Page 51 - FSTE A5 Handbook
P. 51

Common Descriptors for AD/HD Programmes

        Common descriptors are used for curriculum design pitched at a relevant level of learning
        outcomes, that is, Qualifications Framework (QF) level. AD and HD as stand-alone sub-degrees
        are both pitched at QF level 4. Although both AD and HD prepare students for further studies
        and initial employment, they have different proportions in terms of generic and specialized
        content in their curricula. For AD, at least 60% of the curriculum should consist of generic
        content while it is 60% specialized content for HD. There is thus more room for GE courses
        in  the  curriculum  of  AD  programmes  compared  with  the  curriculum  of  Higher  Diploma
        programmes (Education Bureau, 2017).

        GE Components in the Community College Sector

        Based  on  information  provided  by  self-financing  post-secondary  institutions,  the  actual
        student  intakes  of  self-financing  sub-degree  programmes  for  the  2015/16  academic  year
        were 19,555. Four institutions had an intake number of over 1,500 in 2015/16 (Table 2) and
        together they account for over half of the sub-degree intake in 2015/16.

        Table 2: Actual intake of full-time accredited self-financing sub-degree programmes run by four
              leading institutions in 2015/16
         Institution                                      Actual Intake
         Community College of City University (CCCU)      3,299
         Hong Kong Baptist University – College of International
         Education (CIE)                                  1,677
         The Hong Kong Polytechnic University – Hong Kong   3,713
         Community College (HKCC)
         The University of Hong Kong – HKU School of Professional and
         Continuing Education Community College (HKU SPACE CC)  2,719
        Source: Annex in LCQ11 Financial situation of self-financing post-secondary institutions, HKSAR
        Government Press Release, 1 June 2016.

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