Page 104 - FSTE A5 Handbook
P. 104

Appendix 1
        A Brief Survey of Overseas Transfer
        Practices of General Education Courses

        Every GE-providing university has a wide-range of areas when it comes to offering GE courses
        to students. However, the required amount of GE in their undergraduate studies varies from
        university to university, albeit it can be generally observed that approximately one sixth to a
        third of the curriculum are reserved and assigned for GE education.

        In terms of credit recognition, the United States has the most transparent policy for credit
        transfer. The practice of the Academic Passport, unlike block transfer from other universities,
        allows a sub-degree qualification to be recognized automatically regardless of the awarding
        institutions and the receiving universities (as long as it is one of the recognizing universities in
        the recognition agreement). When such an agreement is not applicable, the use of a publicly-
        available database is also a helpful way to facilitate credit recognition across institutions.

        In terms of our development of GE programme and the practice of credit recognition, the
        system in Hong Kong universities are quite advanced, albeit there is still room for improvement.
        It is suggested that further and more in-depth investigations in US higher education should be
        performed because it may be beneficial to improve the flexibility of the system in Hong Kong.

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