Page 30 - FSTE A5 Handbook
P. 30

Chapter Two
        Common Core Requirements at the
        UGC-funded Universities

         Institutes/         GE Programme Structure                                                                                     Language courses required but
         Name of GE programme/                                                                                             College/     not counted as part of the GE
         (Number of credits of GE   Core requirement  Language                               Distribution requirement      School specific   programme
         programme)                                                                                                        requirement
                                                                                                                                        Additional English or Chinese
                                                                                                                                        courses are required to be taken
                                                   University English                        Arts and Humanities                        for students who have low entry
         U5                  Chinese Civilization —   (3 credits)                            Study of Societies, Social and             qualification in English and
         Gateway Education   History and Philosophy                                          Business Organizations        9 credits    Chinese e.g. DSE Level 3, but
         (30 credits)        (3 credits)           Discipline-specific English               Science and Technology
                                                   (3 credits)                               (12 credits)                               the credits earned will not be
                                                                                                                                        counted towards the minimum
                                                                                                                                        credit units required but max
                                                                                                                                        credits permitted instead.
                             Public speaking
                             Information management                                          Arts
         U6                  technology            University English                        Business
         General Education   Numeracy              (6 units)                                 Communication/visual arts
         Programme           Physical education    University Chinese                        Science/Chinese medicine                   Putonghua course
         (38 units)          History and civilization  (3 units)                             Social Sciences                            (3 units) #2
                             Values and the meaning                                          Interdisciplinary
                             of life, University Life                                        (12 units)
                             (17 units)

                             Logic and critical thinking                                     Creativity and Innovation                  Practical Chinese I, II
         U7                  The making of Hong Kong                                         Humanities and the Arts                    (6 credits)
         Core Curriculum     Understanding Morality                                          Management and Society Science,            English for Communication I, II, III
         (33 credits)        World History and                                               Technology and Society Values,             (9 credits)
                             Civilizations                                                   Cultures and Societies                     Varieties of English
                             (12 Credits)                                                    (21 credits)                               (3 credits)
                             Compulsory GE                                                   Persons, Interpretations, Perspectives
         U8                  foundation course                                               Community, Society, Culture
         General Education   (3 credits)                                                     Nature, Science, Technology, Positive      Language enhancement courses
         (18 credits)        General Education                                               and Values Education                       (9 credits)
                             consolidation course                                            (12 credits)
                             (3 credits)
        #1:   These are common core but there is a distributive requirement among these core courses.
           Thus, it is categorized under a distribution requirement.
        #2:  The Putonghua graduation requirement itself is non-credit bearing. Students may choose to
           take a 3-unit or a non-credit bearing course and exam to fulfil it.

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