Page 28 - FSTE A5 Handbook
P. 28

Chapter Two
        Common Core Requirements at the
        UGC-funded Universities

        Table 1: A summary of the GE programme structure of the eight UGC-funded universities

         Institutes/         GE Programme Structure                                                                                     Language courses required but
         Name of GE programme/                                                                                             College/     not counted as part of the GE
         (Number of credits of GE   Core requirement  Language                               Distribution requirement      School specific   programme
         programme)                                                                                                        requirement

                                                                                                                                        Core University English language
         U1                                                                                  Scientific and Technological Literacy      (6 credits)
         Common Core                                                                         Humanities
         Curriculum                                                                          Global Issues                              Discipline English
         (36 credits)                                                                        China: Culture, state and Society          (6 credits)
                                                                                             (36 credits)#1                             Chinese language enhancement
                                                                                                                                        (6 credits)

         U2                  In Dialogue with                                                Chinese Cultural Heritage                  Chinese (6 units)
                                                                                             Nature, Science and Technology
         General Education   Humanity (3 units)                                              Society and Culture           6 units      English (9 units)
         (21 units)          In Dialogue with Nature                                         Self and Humanity
                             (3 units)                                                       (9 units)

                                                                                             Four Cluster Areas:
                                                                                             Human nature, relations and
                                                   English Language and                      development
                             Freshman Seminar      Communication                             Community, organization and
         U3                  Leadership and Intra-  Requirements subjects                    globalization
         General University   Personal Development  (6 credits)                              History, culture and world views           Discipline-specific Language
         Requirements        Service-Learning      Chinese Language and                      Science, technology and environment        requirement
         (30 credits)        Healthy Lifestyle     Communication                             (12 credits, at least 3 credits from       (2 or 3 credits for each language)
                             (9 credits)           Requirements subjects                     each area)
                                                   (3 credits)
                                                                                             (With China Studies Requirement;
                                                                                             Chinese and English Reading and
                                                                                             Writing Requirements)
                                                                                                                                        School-based English course
                                                                                             Humanities                                 (Min. 3 credits)
         U4                                        English communication                     Social Analysis                            Department-based English course
         Core Curriculum                           (6 credits)                               Science and technology                     (Min. 3 credits)
         Programme                                 Chinese communication                     Quantitative reasoning                     Number of courses/credits
         (36 credits)                              (3 credits)                               Healthy lifestyle                          subject to programme needs.
                                                                                             (27credits)                                Some programmes may need to
                                                                                                                                        take additional Chinese-related

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