Page 19 - FSTE A5 Handbook
P. 19

Table 1 First Year First Degree (FYFD) Places and Senior-Year Intake Places of the UGC-funded
              Programmes (2016/17)

         University                                  FYFD Places
                                                                  Intake Places
         City University of Hong Kong                2,095        2,790
         Hong Kong Baptist University                1,171        969
         Lingnan University                          531          260
         The Chinese University of Hong Kong         3,297        868

         The Education University of Hong Kong       582          232
         The Hong Kong Polytechnic University        2,342        2,939
         The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology  1,951  270
         The University of Hong Kong                 3,031        662
         Total                                       15,000       8,900
        Source: Education Bureau (2016). Legislative Council Brief: Recurrent funding for the University Grants
        Committee-funded institutions in the 2016/17 to 2018/19 triennium. File Ref: EDB(HE)CR 2/2041/14.
        To facilitate the senior-year entrants’ articulation to their chosen areas of degree studies with
        acceptance of their prior studies able to be transferred to university credits, we argue that
        an alignment of the GE requirements in terms of course contents and quality equivalence
        across  various  sub-degree  and  degree  programmes  requires  deliberations  and  consensual
        agreements among the key stakeholders of the post-secondary education community in Hong

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