Page 15 - FSTE A5 Handbook
P. 15

experiences as senior year students. The discussion is based on focus group interviews and
        questionnaires among these senior year students. It covers perception and the experience
        of application for credit transfer, students’ evaluation of the benefits of GE courses at AD
        level, students’ evaluation of the benefits of GE courses enrolled in senior years, duplication
        of course work and characteristics of student learning. The final chapter explores the way
        forward.  Graduate  attributes  are  quite  similar  across  institutions,  albeit  they  are  often
        named differently. The challenge is how to ensure the GE courses facilitate students in the
        development  of  these  attributes,  which  are  broad  and  open  to  different  interpretations.
        There is a need to further define them in more universally acceptable and measurable terms,
        which would be very useful for guiding the development of new GE courses and considering
        an individual student’s application for credit transfer. Institutions in the sub-degree sector
        need to further strengthen their strategies to maximize articulation opportunities of their
        graduates. These include customizing GE courses to fit into the degree programmes offered
        by their preferred universities, helping students find a clear goal of their sub-degree education
        and providing a high quality learning environment. It is only learning that finally counts, not
        the  form  of  activities;  therefore,  we  should  not  be  too  pedantic  when  considering  credit
        transfer for GE in outcome-based education.

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