Page 22 - FSTE A5 Handbook
P. 22
Chapter One
The Emergence of General Education as
an Integral Part of Undergraduate Studies
Data Source
The key source of data used in this book are extracted from the Research Team’s study,
“Towards a Sub-degree General Education Framework – Facilitating Credit Recognition and
Transfer”, which includes a review of overseas practices in GE and related practices, interviews
with the heads of GE in the eight UGC-funded universities, focus group interviews with senior
year entrants and two online surveys of the Associate Degree/Higher Diploma graduates in
2014/15 and 2015/16 respectively. Other materials used in the publication include information
and data available in the public domain from the Education Bureau and UGC.
GE in its contemporary usage represents a concrete curricular paradigm, which is also known, in
various contexts, as the “common core” or “core curriculum”. What constitutes this component
of the undergraduate curriculum invites further deliberations on GE in its public face. GE also
constitutes a major component in sub-degree education, that is, for Higher Diploma and
Associate Degree studies. It is common for Higher Diploma and Associate Degree graduates
to continue their studies in various degree programmes and this brings to the fore issues of
articulation, in particular in the area of GE. With the increasing number of Higher Diploma and
Associate Degree graduates, the need for an open and efficient articulation system is deemed
necessary and beneficial for students.
Cohen, A. M. & Brawer, F. B. (1987). The Collegiate Function of Community Colleges: Fostering
Higher Learning through Curriculum and Student Transfer. San Francisco, California:
Jossey-Bass Inc.
Education Bureau. (2016). Legislative Council Brief: Recurrent Funding for the University Grants
Committee-funded Institutions in the 2016/17 to 2018/19 triennium. File Ref: EDB(HE)CR
2/2041/14. Retrieved from
Education Bureau & Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority. (2013). Liberal
Studies Curriculum and Assessment Resource Package Interpreting the Curriculum and
Understanding the Assessment. Hong Kong: Education Bureau.
Education & Manpower Bureau. (2004). The New Academic Structure for Senior Secondary
Education and Higher Education — First Stage Consultation Document. Hong Kong:
Government Printer.