Page 6 - FSTE A5 Handbook
P. 6

General Education Practices in Hong Kong

         ABBREVIATION                FULL NAME

         AAC&U                       Association of American Colleges and Universities
         AD                          Associate Degree

         CCCU                        Community College of City University
         CCP                         Common Core Program, HKUST
         CCS                         Community College Sector
         CIE                         Hong Kong Baptist University —
                                     College of International Education
         CityU                       City University of Hong Kong
         CUHK                        The Chinese University of Hong Kong
         EMB                         Education and Manpower Bureau

         EdUHK                       The Education University of Hong Kong
         FHKGEP                      Fulbright Hong Kong General Education Project
         FSTE                        Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education
         FYFD                        First Year First Degree
         GE                          General Education
         GEILOs                      GE Intended Learning Outcomes
         GEPC                        Gateway Education Programme Committee
         GUR                         General University Requirements
         HD                          Higher Diploma

         HKBU                        Hong Kong Baptist University

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