Page 2 - FSTE A5 Handbook
P. 2

General Education Practices in Hong Kong
        Articulations across sub-degree and
        degree studies

        All contents and other edited information of this publication are under copyright protection.
        Prior consent of the Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education is required to reproduce
        any part of the material of this publication.

        Reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information in this publication.
        Readers  are  reminded  of  the  need  to  check  for  updates  because  the  provision  of  General
        Education  programmes  in  publicly-funded  and  self-financing  institutions  is  evolving

        Institutions  that  wish  to  provide  update  information  may  contact  the  Federation  for  Self-
        financing Tertiary Education.
        First published 2017
        Printed in Hong Kong

        ISBN: 978-988-12178-3-7
        Typeset & Design:
        Dimension Concept Limited

        This  publication  was  published  by  Federation  for  Self-financing  Tertiary  Education  Limited,
        with funding support from the Quality Enhancement Support Scheme of Education Bureau.

        Project Website:

        Secretariat of Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education
        Unit 1401, 14/F
        Yue Hwa International Building
        1 Kowloon Park Drive
        Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
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