Page 115 - FSTE A5 Handbook
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Three compulsory GE modules:
• The Human Spirit
• Habits of Scientific Thinking
• Social Dynamics of Organisations
Elective GE modules:
(offered by Faculty of Design and (offered by Faculty of Management and
Environment FDE) Hospitality)
1. Effective Branding and Consumer 1. Stress Management
Behaviour 2. Wellness & Lifestyle Management
2. Impact of Contemporary Design 3. Corporate Social Responsibility in
on Society Action
3. Living with Sustainable Materials 4. Personal Financial Management
4. Landscape Appreciation 5. Self-marketing & Personal Branding
5. Urban Greenery & Ecology 6. The Tourism Industry in Hong Kong
6. Tree Safety Inspection & Climbing 7. Marketing Essentials
8. Accounting for Non-Accountants
9. Business Management in Hong Kong
10. Essentials in People Management
(offered by Faculty of Science and (offered by School of General Education and
Technology FST) Languages)
1. Environment, Development & 1. Between Empires: A Short History
Sustainability between Hong Kong, China & Britain
2. Urban Development in Hong Kong 2. Explaining Our World from the Big
3. Green & Intelligent Building Bang to the Future
4. Nutrition & Health 3. Hong Kong Society: Continuity & Change
5. The Art & Science of Film 4. Literature & Modern China
6. Technological & Economic 5. Modern Europe: History & Culture
Development in Global Context 6. Language, Culture & Society
7. Food in Daily Life 7. Translation in Everyday Life
8. Web Technology & E-Commerce (English-Chinese)
8. Journey to the Exotic World of
9. Plants & Human Civilisations
10. Creative Writing in Chinese
11. China through Western Eyes
12. Introduction to Spanish Language and
13. Service Leadership in a New Era
14. Making Sense of Our World: Selected
Topics in Sociology
(offered by FDE & FST)
1. Gender & Design