About the Conference

With the implementation of the New Academic Structure, General Education (GE) in four-year degree programmes has become increasingly important. Based on the Revised Common Descriptors, 60% of an associate degree (AD) curricula is General Education. Currently, different AD providers have their own model of GE curriculum and their own set of GE intended learning outcomes (ILOs) and/or programme intended learning outcomes which presumably also cover their GE components. At the same time, on the degree level, there are also a range of GE models and GE learning outcomes across universities. As to exemption and transfer of GE units vertically from the sub-degree to the degree level, each publicly-funded degree institutions has their own individual practices to deal with credit transfer/exemption of GE units from the sub-degree sector. Organized by the Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education (FSTE), the conference aims to facilitate the communication between the sub-degree and degree sectors, as well as among the self-financing and publicly-funded institutions in Hong Kong, with a view to taking sub-degree GE further towards the goal of achieving smoother credit recognition by, and articulation to, the degree sector.


General Education Conference 2017:

Evolution and Transformation

Adverse Weather Arrangements

Weather Condidtion: Arrangements:
When Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 1 and 3 is issued by Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) The GE Conference is to be held as usual unless advised otherwise.
When Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal Pre-No. 8 / No. 8 or above is issued from 6:00 am onwards by HKO The GE Conference is to be SUSPENDED all day.
Amber and Red Rainstorm Warning by HKO The GE Conference is to be held as usual unless advised otherwise.
Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued from 6:00 am onwards by HKO The GE Conference is to be SUSPENDED all day.